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Create User Profile

Please provide the information below to request a CoG account.
Required fields are in bold.
Upon submission, an OpenID will be automatically assigned to you: you will need that OpenID to login.
The following characters are not allowed: < > & # % { } [ ] $

Please note that if you are logging in with a previously granted ESGF OpenID, CoG requires that Institution, City, and Country be added to your account.
User Information
[ 5 to 30 characters, letters, digits and @/./-/_ only. Please note that the username is used to build a unique OpenID that you will use to login. If your chosen username is not available, you will be automatically assigned a similar one. ]

[ At least 8 characters, including one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number, and one special symbol. All characters are allowed EXCEPT for ( ) " . ]

[ Must match the password above. ]

[A short list of science fields you are involved with (60 characters maximum).
Example: Software Engineering, Grid Computing, Climate Change.]

[A short paragraph describing your professional interests (1000 characters maximum).]
[ 'cog_info', low traffic list ]

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