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CMIP6-Adjust @ IPSL


A high-resolution climate projections dataset is obtained by statistically downscaling climate projections from the CMIP6 experiment using the ERA5-Land reanalysis from the Copernicus Climate Change Service. This global dataset has a spatial resolution of 0.1°x 0.1°, comprises 5 climate models and includes two surface daily variables: air temperature and precipitation. Two greenhouse gas emissions scenarios are available: one with mitigation policy (SSP126) and one without mitigation (SSP585). The downscaling method is a Quantile Mapping method (QM) called the Cumulative Distribution Function transform (CDF-t) method that was first used for wind values and is now referenced in dozens of peer-reviewed publications. The data processing includes quality control of metadata according to the climate modelling community standards and value checking for outlier detection.


Noël, T., Loukos, H., Defrance, D., Vrac, M. and Levavasseur, G., Extending the global high-resolution downscaled projections dataset to include CMIP6 projections at increased resolution coherent with the ERA5-Land reanalysis, Data in Brief, Volume 45, 2022, 108669, ISSN 2352-3409.

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Last Update: June 26, 2023, 9:20 a.m. by Admin User
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